ICT Learning Solutions



ICT Learning Solutions is a Palermo-based company whose staff has been successfully working in the ICT field for decades, specifically on consulting, services and training both nationally and internationally. A leader in the ITC training market, predominantly on specialized topics related to cybersecurity, networking and governance.

All courses are delivered by certified, qualified and licensed Instructors, specialists in the field who are not only involved in training, but hold operational roles in the industry. ICT Learning Solutions boasts agreements with Universities, Companies and Institutions, training the most in-demand figures on the job scene through structured pathways and company internships, helping students enter the world of work with targeted internships and agreements with Companies in the national territory, boasting very high short-term employment rates.

ICT Learning Solutions also provides specialized consulting on: Networking and IT, Cybersecurity, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, Nist Cybersecurity Framework, National Framework for Cybersecurity and Data Protection, NIS/NIS2, GDPR, Forensics, Data Center, Virtualization and much more, using the know-how acquired through years of specialized technical consultancy delivered by its consultants to Public Entities and Companies on national and international territory.