

SOLID is a SSII existing since 2005, today it’s present at Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal.

We are partners with the most recognized editors of the computing world, from EC-Council, going thru Microsoft, Oracle, Kaspersky and even Cisco, and others.

In addition to EC Council training (CEH, CSCU, CND), we offer Microsoft, Cisco, Linux, IT Management, Oracle, PECB / ISO and other on-demand training courses.

With our Certified Trainer MCT (Microsoft certified trainers), we are a Microsoft Certified Training Partner -CPLS (Certified Partner for Learning Solutions) with the Gold Learning proficiency.

We are also involved in software and application development, EDM, information system implementation, IT security, auditing and consulting …

In addition to these services, SOLID also has products such as Performance Pack, MusikBi, Ticket Bi, SamaYeuf, Fu la Neex, SMS, just to mention a few.


Bourama M. :

“The ANSD is in the process of modernizing its computer network, which requires securing its infrastructure, the applications and the databases stored on the servers. This training enables us today to take steps to ensure better protection of the network’s resources.”

Mamadou F. :

“The training is offered by the ANSD and allowed us to understand the techniques used by hackers to attack computer systems, and the steps to be taken to avoid attacks. The training was of quality.”

Constant A. :

“We wanted to participate to have advanced notions in security and hacking. We realized this training has shown us how often the knowledge of the hacking techniques impacts positively the security of our infrastructures. We believe that our colleagues could participate in this training. It will be very useful for us as we would like to become experts in the security of information systems.

We have had a very good cybersecurity training where we’ve learned many concepts and tools to attack and apply countermeasures.”